Jeanette Hammerstein is a prior EMT, flight physician, and currently a practicing emergency medicine physician.  Jeanette initially discovered painting at a community college fresh out of ER residency.   As a new doctor, she used to "re-live" each shift she had; seeing the faces, the worries, the problems on replay.  She discovered painting as an outlet for this energy and a method to process the difficulty of medicine.

Jeanette enjoys figurative work but really considers all subjects fair game.  Most recently, she has examined the American medical experience; particularly the interplay of time and emotions within healthcare environments.   She has found it particularly rewarding to see how expanding her artistic view has also expanded her clinical view.  Digging into the emotional content of a painting has resulted in a greater ability to do the same at the bedside.


“Frontline sketch”, oil on panel 2020

“Frontline sketch”, oil on panel 2020